Thursday, 15 December 2011

Evaluation activity 3 - Group: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We decided to film our responce to this task. Overall we found that the comments people made were useful to us. Most people mentioned that our font size was a little small on the magazine advert so we took their advice and changed that. Most of the other feedback was postive though :) enjoy the video:)

This was one of the parts of our video that was originally in black and white but after the class feedback we changed to to speia and we feel this works much better with the genre of our song.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Goodwin's Rules:

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
(e.g. stage performance in pop video, dance routine in hip hop)

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work

5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking  and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body

6. There is often intertextual reference

my Prezzi Presentation